Contest QSO’s with 1 milliwatt
Very rare
QSO’s with only 1 mW (or less) are very rare. A contest is a good opportunity to make QSO’s. Although I always use QRP, I never use a fixed power, when I answer a CQ. Before answering, I first adjust the power, using the S-meter. The stronger the signal, the lower the power.
Most of the contest QSO’s are made with 1 watt or 500 mW. When the conditions are extremely good, QSO’s with 10 mW or 5 mW are possible.
In the rare occasions of a QSO with 1 mW, extremely good conditions and Excellent Ears are involved.
1 milliwatt QSO with RT6A
In the Russian DX contest in 2007, I made QSO with RT6A with 0.85 mW, over a distance of more than 1500 miles to KN95km near the city of Krasnodar.
The QSO is good for more than 1 Million Miles per Watt.

RT6A 1500 Miles with 0.85 mW – More than 1 Million Miles per Watt
Early in the contest I made a QSO with RT6A, with 410 mW on 20 meter. When I heard RT6A again on the same band, about an hour later, the band had changed, so the signal was very strong, about 20 dB over S9.
So I decided to try to make a dupe with a power of 4.1 mW, using the FT-817 and a homebrew attenuator.
I expected to get the usual ”sri QSO B4 TU” but to my surprise, I received an immediate response. I logged the exchange and went to the next station on the band.
After working two stations (K5 and K3 both with 1 Watt), when I was turning over the band, I heard RT6A again.
Then I realized that the signal was more than 20 dB over S9 and I should have used 1 milliwatt.
I was puzzled… Could I make another DUPE? I would only know if I try. . . , so I tried again with 0.85 mW.
Second dupe with 0.85 milliwatt
And 15 minutes after the second QSO, I logged the third QSO with only 0.85 mW. Believe it or not, but also this time I received an immediate response.
Thanks to the RT6A crew with their Excellent Ears.
NAQCC 1000 MPW Award
I am a member of the NAQCC for years. (#2038) When I visited the Award page in August 2011, I got excited by the extensive Award program for QRP and QRPp.
Over the years I have made hundreds of confirmed QSO’s with more than 1000 Miles per Watt, but until now I had not yet applied for an award.
So I decided to apply for the NAQCC 1000 Miles per Watt Award. I choose to apply for the QSO with the highest Miles per Watt.
A few days later, I received the beautiful NAQCC Simple wire antenna 1000 Miles per Watt Award, by e-mail, from the Award manager, Rick AA4W. Click on the Award to enlarge.
I had made QSO’s with Gedas, LY3BA with very low power before, so I knew that Gedas has a very sensitive station. Whenever I heard Gedas on the band, I did not make a QSO immediately, but waited for the conditions to peak.
The QSO with 0.85 mW is made on 20 meter in the UBA DX contest 2006. The conditions were extremely good during this QSO.
Gedas has a station with Excellent Ears. Thank you,dear Gedas for the fine QSO.

LY3BA – 1 milliwatt QSO
This QSO with Tur, YL5M with 1 milliwat is made on 20 meter in the UBA DX contest 2005. I received this second card, after Tur received my QSL card, to confirm this very special QSO. Tur has a station with Excellent Ears.
In july 1991 I made my first QSO with Tur, with my homebrew TRX HM7 with 500 mW, in my first year as a HAM.
Looking back, I now realize, that my first QSO with Tur is also a more than 1000 Miles per Watt QSO. Hi.
Thank you, dear Tur.

LY5M – 1 milliwatt QSO
This is actually my first QSO with more than 1 Million Miles per Watt. The QSO over 1065 miles to KO48vr is made with 0.98 mW on 10 meter in the UBA DX contest 2004.
I have waited very long for this card. But here he is. (hi) Thank you dear friends.

RU1A – 1milliwatt QSO